Non-Traditional Body Hacks to Help Manage Stress

Stress. Anxiety. Worry.

What do they all have in common? TENSION. Sounds a little funky to some, but we can commonly pick up on when someone has been having a rougher go with it recently just by the way their body feels visit to visit. When the neck and shoulders start locking down, the mid back feels like a brick wall because it hasn’t been expanding with deep breaths (hello my stressed out shallow breathers) OR that TMJ just “randomly” started acting up again, we are frequently asking how stress levels have been lately!

Now, to be clear, we are in no way claiming that you will melt away clinical anxiety, cure or heal any medical concerns by performing all or any of these listed activities. We are saying that they frequently help in managing the day to day tension that stress can cause and vice versa. That cranky body tension can cause more stress- which can cause more tension- which can cause that cycle to just keep circling. So settle in, start with some regulated breathing and work your way through this list!

Cranial Work:

If you’ve ever had cranial work done- it’s a game changer when it calms to calming down the nervous system and putting you in a state of relaxation. These simple activities can help reduce tension and help everything to “feel more open.”

Belly Work:

If things are overwhelming, PLEASE seek professional care. We have GREAT resources and recommendations!


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