What Are Wellness Adjustments and Why Are They Important?

Wellness Adjustments…


Ever wonder why Chiros recommend “wellness adjustments?” While we personally aren’t fans of long, extended treatment plans- we work hard to solve the problem quickly and then space out to wellness treatments- we do LOVE a good wellness adjustment! What does this mean? The occasional visit (BEFORE pain occurs) helps to address areas of tension and compensation BEFORE it leads to pain or dysfunction.

What are we checking and looking for?

During wellness visits, we are looking at posture, hip shift, shoulder position, areas of tension or discomfort, overall function and SO much more. We check in with you to see what your daily patterns look like (such as sitting for prolonged periods, any repetitive movements, or changes in daily activity) to determine the need for any specific areas that might need some extra attention. The whole goal is PREVENTION. We do this by utilizing a combination of adjusting, muscle work, and providing stretches and exercises to help prevent a future issue.

Why are they important?
Our goal is to find areas of tension/ restriction before they become a major concern or create compensation patterns that result in pain and dysfunction. An adjustment can “reset the nervous system” in a way, by providing input (by quickly, but carefully creating a rapid stretch) to a joint that is restricted. This allows for better communication from the sensory organs to the brain and creates better communication for not only that segment but can influence the brain’s ability to control the rest of the body more accurately as well. The adjustment can also reduce injuries by improving proprioception (the body’s awareness of where it is in space). If the brain is more aware of the position of the joints within the body (from sensory input being properly delivered) it will be easier to control the stabilizing muscles surrounding them. Spinal adjustments can also improve muscle reflex time and the speed at which the brain processes information!

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How long are the visits and how frequently do you recommend getting a wellness adjustment?

Appointments are typically 15 minutes, but if more in-depth rehab is requested or needed we can easily bump that to 30 minutes. We find that monthly is a great rule of thumb, but as always, everyone is different. Some people do well spacing their wellness visits out further and others, like ourselves, who have repetitive jobs/ daily activities or really test their body’s limits- pop in a bit more frequently. In the end, it’s totally up to you!

If you have any questions about wellness adjustments or want to get on our schedule, just let us know through the links below!

XO, The Well Spine Team

For an appointment or schedule -here-.

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YouTube: Dr. Dani Engle

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